Just an artist to make things and stuff lol.

Maya @MayaLaCookie

Age 22, Female

Film Student

CU Boulder

In Your House

Joined on 3/17/21

Exp Points:
6,450 / 6,940
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Vote Power:
6.63 votes
Art Scouts
Police Officer
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B/P Bonus:
3y 8m 27d

MayaLaCookie's News

Posted by MayaLaCookie - March 23rd, 2023

Hey everyone hope you guys are doing well

This is more so an update on my social platforms since I been getting real tired of Twitter. So first, I have a SpaceHey account now. This is where my general blogging and more weekly blogging will go, I'm going to be using this Newgrounds blog as more so announcements and monthly blogs, still trying to do a check in every month (even though I been lacking lmao)

But if you would like to check me out and see a more general side of me, SpaceHey is where I'll be at

Another thing, I am been moving sketches and doodles to my Tumblr, so if you ever wanna know what I'm sketching I am usually posting over there

My le epic spacehey


I haven't posted anything here still (more so I'm worried on that "make a good first impression post" and I also have been like dead on ideas for a while now) but I would like to mention I might have something up for Pico Day

Keyword: Might

It's a project I am on with friends and we were going to post it during March but we figured Pico Day would be a better time for us, so keep your eyes peeled for that

As for personal projects, I had to postpone a lot of my ideas due to college, but thankfully I am slowly catching up and I'll be having a break next week, so hopefully I can get some shiz done.

I will say it again, Newgrounds will forever me my home for my art and animation, just don't think stuff like my sketches work here

I also say this, me leaving twitter (and insta) is kinda odd to me? It's like saying "Why drop your presence on bigger social medias where you can make a name for yourself for underground smaller communities?"

The more I think of it, the more I realized I just want to be in my own small community. I love seeing the reactions I get to projects I get here and on Tumblr a lot more then on Twitter

But hey, maybe it's me wanting to live in the wild west days of the internet

One last thing, It was my 21st birthday last week and it was fun. I have been hanging out with more people at my school that I could say they are friends

Ever since February I also got into Red Dead Redemption 2, due to having to play it for class and I became with two really cool peeps who love the game as much as me

I also went out around that time to bowling night at my school and meet a group of cool peeps

I have brought up my self esteem problems a lot in the past but in a weird way making friends in my college and playing RDR2 really helped me feel better about myself. I may not be 100% but at least now I'm slowly making out of the hole I dig myself into. Again my friends, both classmates and friends I hang out with for laser tag and bowling are the sweetest people I met and my whole birthday week was wonderful then I expected

My friend from class even give me a card for my birthday, he's a bigger RDR2 fan then me lmao and he drew Lenny which just made me so happy


Anyways this was much longer then I expected, I hope these blogs aren't becoming tired some, I feel like at times I repeat myself to much but hey just wanna let everyone know I'm ok and I'll be back here on Newgrounds soon enough

Have a good one :)



Posted by MayaLaCookie - February 22nd, 2023

Hey there, It’s been a while

I really thought I would finally have something up for 2023, like art or an animation or whatever but I been dealing with a creativity burnout for a while now. I didn’t want to just drop off the face of the earth on Newgrounds so I’m making this news post saying I am alright and just updating everyone that I am trying to get back to art again. Just been hard with my college work and everything.

I am still debating on doing commissions too as I am pretty much in a bad place right now financially, as much as I don’t want to mention it. But that’s still up in the air since right now I been struggling to make art all together.

I know most of my blog posts has been me down in the dumps but that’s my nature in a silly way, I guess. I just want to post more here because I still care for Newgrounds. I just really want my first 2023 art/animation to not be underwhelming you know?

 But as of now I been very tired and I dug myself into a very bad art block hole, which to combat this I actually bought a journal and started to do life sketches, nothing too crazy but at least it gets me back into the creative mood you know?



A plant I saw in the main building on my campus and then my friends in my audio editing class and my friends corgi. I am not a pro at life sketches lmao

There is an project I am on coming up to HOPEFULLY that would make up for my lack of anything here, plus you will see why I haven’t posted too since a lot of my time also was devoted to that project creatively.

Mainly TLDR: I am mentally not doing well and art is not going well cuz of it. Plus I am obsessing over a certain game rn so my mind kinda taking a break from working on art so much.

But hey, I am doing better like I said I got a journal and as much as it was a silly inside joke for me (cuz the character I’m in love with writes/draws in a journal in game) it has actually been getting me back on track to work on projects again.

So if you sticked with me this far, thanks for sticking around. I can’t explain how honored I am to have a supporting group of peeps, even if it’s not a lot. Someday I hope to make it up to you guys

See ya later



Posted by MayaLaCookie - December 31st, 2022

Hey everyone,


This is my 2022 recap. I’m going to try to recap in a good size post without making this like 3 pages long this time lol.

Honestly, just like I said in a previous post, I felt like I had an “Nothing” year. Like, I know I have done a lot this year, like some games and a ton of art. I just feel like I could have done more this year you know?


Earlier this year I did just to do a bit of work on the opening for Newgrounds winter fest, granted it wasn’t a lot.

I did work on Love Me Newgrounds, which was a crazy production but hey it was a good learning experience for me.

I did get to meet my friend, @QueenBoo at the end of summer, we had a fun time. It was my first time traveling alone, I have family near where she lives but I haven’t been down there for like a few years so it was nice to go back. Also Queen did help me with a background on my summer jam animation, can't thank her enough for that.

Over the first like week of September, I sprained my ankle. Next day I went to go see a NIN concert in Oregon with my mom, I was on crutches (still fun tho). That was also the same day Splatoon 3 came out lmao

After that I went to see a Gorillaz concert, which was something I wanted to do for a long time and just happened to find out they were performing at the Ball Arena in Denver (Formerly Pepsi center, tbh I think that’s a better name btw, prob cuz that’s what I knew it as for years) I was still in a brace but I did heal up just fine, which was good cuz we got a lot of snow in my college town about a week after I was out of a brace.

I was able to join the sketch collab, which was fun. @BrandyBuizel had to save my ass because my flash save just got deleted by my computer, thank god he was there and helped my ass one it. I been better about doing backups for animations now so that’s good lmao

I also did Faces of 2022, which I did Jameslee and ENA. I know Chromacee did Moxxy, which is nice to see.

I did join a smaller collab called Creature Collab, just a gallery of our creatures. I drew all of mine when I was visiting my grandparents in Alaska, they are something but hey.

Not NG related but I did do Art Fight, might do it again


I did do a Moxxy Day back in may, I’m not sure if I do another but I’ll try to announce it a lot sooner if I do, one day I hope to make it a contest with prices but as of now it’s just a silly day for my ocs.



Besides that what now?

Well I plan to make a lot more animations, this year I realized how much I enjoy working on animations more then just illustrations. Sure they aren’t super polished but that’s given for the fact I started just a year ago now but hey, I’m still learning.

I did post my unfinish animations I did this year as a gift for my fans tho:

I’m going to chill out with my art tho, might have noticed I kinda stopped posting for a bit, only cuz I been in a major art block with me overthinking all of my art again. My lack of confidences likes to make me doubt sometimes.

I just been figuring out my art, I know I have improve but I know I still have a lot to learn.


But hey, Thanks to the 463 peeps who stayed with me. It means a lot, Hopefully soon I can work on something to share with you all.

I am going to be updating my pfp and banner for the new year cuz y not lol.

Hope you guys have a good new year eve. Hopefully we see each other again soon.




Posted by MayaLaCookie - November 22nd, 2022

Ok Imma be real, I was going to make a “Year in Review” post later but currently I was thinking about my year rn and I just kinda wanna ramble.

This year was a mix bag for me, like sure I made a lot of cool things and art but at the same time it was a big mess and that’s ok.

I had so many ideas that I wanted to do but never got around to do it, mainly cuz of time and mental health or just my personal life getting in the way. Plus the shit I was able to be in or get out here wasn’t by best work I believe, like the big boy animation I did, I had fun with it tho. 

Idk this year give me a weird “nothingness” vibe to me, I just kind of roll with it. Maybe that’s why a lot of my self-esteem went down the drain a few times, again not to be sad or anything I just hoping next year will be better. There was a lot of shit this year that was crazy and there is still one more month before we go into 2023 so I hope this Christmas can bring NG alive again like last year. (Not saying it’s dead just you know, those downtimes where a lot isn’t going on)

Some notable things I did was making a big improvement into animation and meeting one of my good pals of mine, @QueenBoo this year. So it’s not all doom and gloom.

A lot of us are still recovering from the last two years and for me my way of recovering is just kinda letting everything go in motion. At times I do feel like I am far behind then everyone on NG or even my personal life but I know once I post here again will be people checking it out. Honestly never had this many people follow me on a account before for only my original art, sure you might have known me because of LMNG or any of the fanart that got frontpaged from me (Or the Tom Shitting art). But I appreciate you stayed even if I might not draw fanart a whole lot.

Next year I’m hoping to move pass fanart (kinda), mostly and share a lot more original works of mine.

I know many of you might know Moxxy, the big buff chick that dominated my account for the last two years, you prob noticed I move away from posting her a lot and that’s cuz I have more then just Moxxy to talk about now.

A weird thing about Mox is she kinda is a NG character now, in a sense she appeared in Face of 2022 drawn by @ChormaCee and I did make that silly day about her (I might not bring that back but lets see how it plays out) and I’m glad you guys like her tho.

Just time made me move on to talk about my other peeps, like my girls Faye and Juneau or even make new ocs (I know I will keep making new ocs)

Which also leads to one other thing I wanna talk about, since twitter kinda burning rn I decided to jump onto tumblr for more of my sketches, doodles, and other stuff that I don’t think could fit on NG without clogging up my account. Check it out if ya want, it’s more so a blog and don’t worry my twitter will still be active unless Mr.Musk blows up the system with his 5G mind.


Again, this is just a big ramble post of mine, I would love to share what I’m working on rn for next month but nope it’s a secret.

Though one thing I will be doing (If I can figure this out on Newgrounds) is doing a video of all the unfinished works I worked on that never came to be, I also was thinking of sharing their fla files as my gift for being with me so far on this weird silly adventure for me.

Or make a silly animation reel, I might just so that.

I’ll see you later, hopefully.

- Maya 




Posted by MayaLaCookie - October 5th, 2022

Hey sorry for the late post, I got up late.

Besides that I'm user of the day! Which is weirdly unreal for me and I'm super appreciative for that

Anywho I'm gonna take a moment to update everyone since October is usually my busy month. (Midterms)

So far I have been just working on animations for class and only been going personal projects and other art on the side.

I got back into watercoloring tho, hopefully I can post it soon here


Besides that I'm in a few collabs and I hope to share you guys my parts in those collabs soon. It's one way for me to get out of artblock lol

Besides that, I'm doing better. My ankle is healing up quickly and I do longer need crutches. I also was able to go to see Gorillaz last week in Denver, which was awesome.


(I have a ton of photos but here's one of my favorites)

I don't really have much more to say besides school is decent and I'm chugging along. Trying not to do shit this year since it's my junior year.

Can't believe I'm almost done with college I don't want the debt to be a reality yet.

Anywho, if you got this far thank you for hearing my rambling though this. Here's a quick gift,

I need to finish this up tomorrow I'm pretty busy today but if I get it done today I'll post it before the day ends


Also happy funkin 2 year anniversary, the game is two years old holy shit.



Posted by MayaLaCookie - September 10th, 2022

Hey everyone,

For the last few weeks I was thinking of making these "monthly updates" as a way to stay active here and also kinda just talk about random shit that I feel like

So uh, in August I started college again so I been really busy. One of the reason why I haven't gotten my big boy animation done, the other one was stress and being pretty unmotivated for a few weeks now

Besides that, in other more recent news. I fucked up my ankle. But in better news, that didn't stop me from going to Oregon to see the Nine Inch Nails concert yesterday. Yes I did just flew over from Colorado to Oregon for a concert with a sprained ankle




But hey it was awesome. When my mom and I were getting merch at the stand, we got lucky and actually got an autographed poster from NIN

Again the show was amazing

That's about what going on so far, I'm been working on animation for both classes and projects and hopefully I can at least get everything done before October, it will be crazy after that but I'll try to be around when I can

For my ankle I'll be getting it checked again after a week or so. I'm doing better

Also happy splatoon day, which was yesterday but fuck it



Posted by MayaLaCookie - August 25th, 2022

Hey, this is more or less a life update of me saying "I'm back in college now!" but this week been so rough to me that I just wanted to talk about something that's been on my mind

I'll try to not make this into a rant or vent. I just kinda wanna talk

For a while now, I been super unmotivated to create art, maybe now it's cause of irl stress but for a while it's been because of my self-esteem.

I always had poor self-esteem, I'll admit that but it started to show it's fangs more because of how much I'm "Lacking" this year.

A made a lot of art and now I'm not having fun anymore. Which is why I'm trying to switch to animation

But I think my bad self-esteem comes from not being able to "fit" here. I wanna be apart of this community of artists of all kinds but I feel like I'm not existent

I feel like a kinda shattered my voice and I won't be able to stand up and just talk to everyone or "fit in"

At times I feel unwelcomed just because I haven't done something that warrants anything

I sometimes feel like the shitpost artist that people just follow because "You made that one funny art piece of tankman, tom fulp or whatever" even though I'm trying to be more original with my works and actually make something that I am proud of more then just a silly joke I did one day

I really wanna do something great for this community like many people have, only issue is how scared I am to talk. I always been a shy person and now with a mixture of bad timing, luck, and my self-esteem I feel like I don't belong here at times

But I'm gonna keep trying, I have an animation in the works that I hope I can get done before the 4th. I wanna stay here badly but I just have to fight off my bad feelings and just roll with the punches

I am gonna stop working on art tho, I have no fun in that anymore and it started to just feel like I was trying to swing a bat that always missed the ball

Sorry if this became a bit more of a vent post, I just feel like, without giving a lot of personal life stuff out, talking about it here and just roll with the punches after that.

I honestly hope the best comes for everyone, this community been so nice and awesome

And hopefully one day I won't feel so disconnected here.

Hope everyone has a good one, here's to more content soon hopefully (If college doesn't kill me lol)



Posted by MayaLaCookie - August 3rd, 2022


So I'm just spreading the word for @CaptainStevie about the NG Philly Meet up!

(Not my Art, credits to @CaptainStevie)


The meet up is gonna be at the Downtown Sheraton in Philadelphia at the con Furrydelphia in Panel 1.

It will take place on Saturday August 27th at 11 AM EST

Steve is wanting to host this meetup to have fun and meet some Philly Newgrounders. If this goes well, he's thinking of doing more in the future.

If you are interested and in the Philly area, come check out the meetup!

If you want to ask Steve any questions, feel free to send him a pm!


I wish I could go since Philly on my list of places to go but hey I just wanna spread the word for those who are interested :)



Posted by MayaLaCookie - August 3rd, 2022

Hi I'm not dead, I just been working on animation stuff,

I'm making a funny movie for the jam

Hopefully Friday it will be out, been working on it for three weeks.

I also been sick too

Anyways k bye




Posted by MayaLaCookie - June 12th, 2022

Hey, I haven't really talked in a while. I was on a trip for the last week and finally got back to my town.

I just wanna give an update to everything in my life and stuff.

First off, I didn't make a Moxxy Day follow up post due to some issues that arise but I wanna take a moment to share everyone art from that day. I also saw my friends putting her in their Pico Day stuff and that made me happy.

Again dw, I'm not trying to shove Pico Day on the side I just haven't gotten around to share all of these works. Thank you to all who have joined this small event back in May, hopefully I can continue it. Again all these works are amazing and I'm both stock and happy to see it. Check everyone out, they are all cool peeps

On a bit of a not so good note, I have been struggling with my art for the past week. Hell I made a pico day post because my animation wasn't yet finished. Good news, I'm back home and gonna start on it again. I have a deadline but for now I'm gonna keep the animation on a TBA for this time. It was going to me my pico day animation but I had no time to work on it during my trip.

You might see more art from me too but it's just gonna be some quick stuff until I can get back up again. This animation quite took a toll on all my art and I really wanna get it done cuz I think it's neat.

Again, I'm going though a rough patch right now but I have good hopes that everything will be fine.

So to end off, Happy Pico Day I hope everything are having their fun with the carrot boy. I'm having fun animating him

Actually let me show you the version of him from my animation (I was gonna keep it for later but thank of this as a pico day gift lol)

Anyways take care and have a good week :)

